Hello all,
As there are many activities, appointments, and plans that can fill up our day, I wonder how you have been spiritually, emotionally, and physically through it all.
You may not remember every detail of your day, but what are the moments that stand out? Where have you seen God in those instances?
Mindfulness is something many cultures around the world value but it's also something harder for any of us to do, based on the constant attention grabbing nature of our lives.
I hope you feel encouraged that God does not expect us to be perfect. There is grace in the messiness of our lives.
Christ's followers were a ragtag group of misfits who let society and their expectations about life make their faith journey a bit more bumpy. May the Holy Spirit guide us and help us be mindful of what truly matters: seeking God's kingdom and righteousness.
Rev. Marcus Lambright is the Pastor here at CPC. Want to chat? Reach out to the office (908)232-9490 to schedule a time, or contact him directly via email at Pastor@CPCMountainside.org.
