All are welcome on Palm Sunday, March 24!
First, worship with palms is at 10:30am. Then, after worship (around 11:30am), we will gather downstairs in the Assembly Room for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, all the fixings, coffee, and fun!
The fun will include crafts for kids, conversation, and our Easter Basket Project.
What is this project? We will assemble 45 Easter-themed baskets for children and youth of families at St. Elizabeth's in Elizabeth. These families are facing some challenges, and we want to share God's love through gift-giving!
Want to help? We thought so! Please bring a bag of individually-wrapped candies, join us for breakfast, and be ready to show your creative skills with basket assembly and decoration. No need for perfection, instead, it will be fun for all ages!
Any questions? Please contact the Office (Monday - Thursday) at (908) 232-9490 or Office@CPCMountainside.org, or Deacon Nancy Hoydich at (908) 578-1425.
