Hello all,
As we welcome the coming of our Lord on Christmas, this week we remember the unending love of God. Love that cannot be measured or contained. Love that abounds in loveless places. The circumstances around Jesus's birth were less than ideal yet this is how we encountered God. God sent Jesus to us at a time when his people had all but lost hope for a savior. There are times in our lives when love seems further away than we can imagine.
In Romans 16, Paul writes to the followers of Christ in Rome, encouraging the servant leaders among them, warning against those who sow discord and create division, and he praises God for the revelation of Jesus for all of creation. In our world today, we may be drawn to drama, division, and discord yet Christ comes to us to bring hope, peace, joy, and love. What's one way we can turn away from embracing hatred or indifference and instead turn towards love and encouragement? Christ's arrival is only the beginning of a life of faith in God. May we draw close to the Lord this season.